Pick up the pace and increase competitiveness

Sustainability and profitability are linked. A transition to a sustainable business model and a sustainable society is also necessary for humanity’s well-being and future survival. This is being increasingly realized, but the transition is too slow. We need to act NOW.

We want to accelerate sustainability activities in Sweden and create a united effort, with as many actors as possible working together towards a concrete vision and goals by 2022 – halfway to 2030.

The Sweden brand has a good starting position and is often seen as a model of sustainable development. Now that sustainability is ’in’, competition has increased from other countries and Sweden has started slipping down the sustainability rankings.

We want to change this by supporting companies and organizations to accelerate positive drivers and encourage a holistic approach.

2022 marks 50 years since the Stockholm Conference, the first major international meeting on sustainability. If we in Sweden succeed in progressing toward a sustainable society by the year 2022 we can proudly arrange ”Stockholm Conference +50”. As a bonus, we achieve other benefits:

  • improved economy with strong competitiveness and brand
  • increased well-being
  • a healthier environment and reduced climate impact and
  • a better functioning society

Vision 2022 – from isolated silos to an integrated, holistic, and well functioning society

Check out and take part in our 2022 Initiative or Contact us at or 076-555 74 50 for free discussion and advice about what your organization can do! 

Or fill out the company name and contact information below to take the first step towards becoming a more sustainable organization. We believe in positive driving forces for change and will gladly help you to find smart solutions for your organization.

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